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Tips & Tricks
Learning a language can sometimes present us with challenges that seem 'insurmountable' to some.
For example, learning English is much easier than learning 'Chinese' (Mandarin or one of the many dialects).
There is also the question of the native language of the learner.
For example, does a Chinese learner learn German, or a German learner learn Mandarin?
While many Chinese, especially the younger generation, learn English intensively, the number of Chinese learners in Europe is much smaller. This is not surprising given the much smaller population in Europe.
But in general, more Chinese are looking to Europe or the US than vice versa.
If I'm English and I want to learn French or Chinese.
Or if I'm Russian and want to learn Spanish or Arabic.
Do I also want to learn the foreign written language (Mandarin, Cyrillic, Arabic, etc.) or do I just want to learn the standard spoken language?
Do I need a specific dialect? For example, do I live and work in London and want to learn local English?
Do I have no previous knowledge of languages with a different script (Arabic, Cyrillic, ...) or am I learning a language that is identical to my script (e.g. an Italian learning French)?
My main goal is to be able to speak and understand the language:
A) Do you already live in the country whose language you would like to learn?
Yes, I am!
For beginners:
1 - You need basic vocabulary and phrases. You can either take a class or use the Internet for beginners.
2 - If you prefer to work with a physical book, there are beginner books (A0 - A1) with downloadable mp3 material.
3 - If you are a good autodidact and manage to study (relatively) regularly, use this skill.
4 - If you prefer to work in a group or class, sign up for a beginner's course. You will be motivated by the group and work together. Side effect: You will meet new people!
1 - Try to watch the news or another local program on your local TV station for 10 to 15 minutes at least three times a week. It's better to watch less but regularly than to watch infrequently and for long periods of time. Set small milestones instead of big goals that you keep missing.
2 - Join a local club and participate in its activities. This could be a sports club, music club, cooking club, etc. Think of your interests or hobbies. Or start a new hobby that you have been meaning to do.
Make sure it is a club whose main language is the language of the country you want to learn.
3 - Start reading a book that is roughly at your language level. Look for a book of short stories or a short book of 20 to 30 pages.
4 - Start with audio books, preferably short stories or divided into smaller chapters. Listen to the audio book regularly for five to ten minutes, two to three times a week. Listen to the audio book over and over again.
5 - Also, choose an audio book that is at a higher language level than yours. Why?
An important part of language learning is repetition. This means that you hear the words/vocabulary over and over again and your listening comprehension increases. You begin to understand the context, even though you may not know all the vocabulary. And that's a good thing!
Over time, your confidence will grow and you will learn even faster and easier.
After all, we do exactly the same in our everyday life: We use the same words and phrases over and over again!
As with all learning, your psyche and self-confidence play an important role in language learning!
Language learners who have a learning block, or believe they have a learning block, are blocking themselves simply because they believe they have a learning block. It sounds strange, but it's true. You should change your beliefs and work on them.
Imagine in your mind that you could learn the language you want easily and quickly! Make it a regular exercise:
Imagine for three or four minutes that you can learn the language you want faster and faster and that you speak it fluently and well. See yourself in a movie: speaking and acting well and fluently in that language. This regular inner picture/movie will help you get rid of old thought patterns about yourself. You can do this with some calm music in the background.
Or record a short audio with your smartphone, three or four minutes is enough: Say the following sentences, for example "I speak French fluently! I can have a relaxed and easy conversation in French! I understand everything people say! I enjoy speaking French."
(If you don't like your own voice, ask a friend to record it for you). Listen to the audio over and over again. For weeks and months. You will see the effect.
Here as well you can add calm music in the background.